We've had a very fun weekend having a picnic at the park, walking, climbing the tower and then on Tue. for Alex's birthday we went to the Packer's practice and did the Lambeau Tour. What's not to like about a wedge of cheese on your head!
Janna and Alex on top of the tower in Pot park. Ya, what more can you say!! The eternal hope.....going all the way.
Welcome Alex, our new son from Germany has arrived. Alex is an exchange student who will be with us for the year. He dosn't look too weary for having spent 8 hrs at the Chicago airport! Poor guy. He'll have a few weeks before school starts to catch up on any sleep and get a bit settle in.
This was a fun one to do. Arrrrg it's a sea faring quilt for my pirate fan. I Hope he will like it. Now for a little break until I have my next one figured out.
A rainbow in the back yard during one of our summer rain showers. It's there if you look closely. We are having another good down pour right now but it's not clear enough to get a good picture of the rainbow....there's just something about it pouring down rain and the sun shining bright!
Stamping is my thing, Reading is a must, working with forign exchange students is a joy, Destination Imagination is part of my life, and praising God daily.